Wednesday, December 8, 2010

~twiLighT zOne..~

kay..everybody..bella malas ar nak menyesakkan blog nie dengan edward jer..tapi dya ja yang bertakhta di hati ini..haha..
okay..For You-guys Information...
i watched the middle of the night..and u know what?
i felt the same feeling just like the first tyme i watched Twilight with my mom..
wow!its like a miracle la jugak...(selalunyer kalau dah tengok banyak kali mesti x rasa pa dah kan??)
tapi...bella dah tengok kat 10 kali i even can remember their dialouge..
rasa macam nak nangis pown ader gak..
nak melolong tengah2 malam takut orang ingat hantu ker aper ker..
so simpan dlam hati jela...rasa sangatlah terharu..gembira x terkata...haha

so..niela siri novel twilight...and its the best novel i've ever read in my whole lifetime...sangatlah tidak menyangka bahawa novel twilight nie akan menjadi se-best nie..bila kita baca novel nie...jadi macam ...nak taw lagi apa yang berlaku sangat2...ader tyme kat kelas..Fitri (KT ulung kelas 2B)..ckap kat bella camnie.."weiyh bella..ang baca novel ka..kamus?"...haha..bella malas nak bwat bodoh jela...orang lain x pernah notice pown yang novel nie sangat la best!best gila2!
bella teringin nak baca balik..tapi takot x pegang buku lain dah kang...and..bella abes dah baca keempat2 novel nie..dengan jayanya!haha..and the best novel is Eclipse...and i also liked the movie..and this is the tyme where vampire and werewolf bersatu untuk protect sangat..( i know x ramai orang x appreciate sangat movie nie)..yang bella taw...some of my best friends..yuna..hieda..and syafiqa..they're like me tapi x la seterok bella..i'm worse!

and disini bella ingin menyatakan bahawa bella sangatlah gembira...eventhough bella x dpat jumpa dya...tapi bella bersyukur jgakla dpat kenal dya...walaupown x dapat bersemuka dengan dya..sangat2 lah teringin...
lastly...i've nothing to say anymore..
n x sempat nak buat blog tyme tengah2 malam tuu jgak..
sebab terlalu khusyuk melihat Edward...huhu..
so..thanx 4 reading my post this tyme..
hope korang pham la perasaan bella nie...Adios!